Ulcer From Advil Can You Take Advil Ever Again

  1. Accept somewhat of a cold...then I took an Advil Cold and Sinus (ane tablet ibuprofen 200mg) merely about 5 hours agone. Now, I got invited by a friend to have a beer. Should I go alee, or just go sober for tonight?
  2. Here's a good guildine: If you feel like yous need an Advil, have a beer instead!
  3. seriously!

    i've never been tempted for both.. i dont really have advil ever though.

    a glass of whisky for a cold is what they used to do "dorsum so.." nothing wrong with that..

    i wouldn't take them both in the same twenty-four hours/nighttime. i really would merely become for the alcohol.

  4. There are people that launder down 10 percocets with a 5th of Jack Daniels. Y'all'll be ok.
  5. you'll be ok. Just don't kickoff drinking on vikodin or something
  6. Zip like asking a bunch of musicians for advice about drug usage.
  7. A friend who is a physicians banana once told me this guideline:

    If it makes you drowsy or affects your mood, don't potable alcohol with it.
    Otherwise 1 or ii drinks with a mild drug won't do your liver any more impairment than 3 or iv drinks without the drug. Made sense to me.

  8. FTW!

    Drink the beer and stay away from cold medicines with "suphadrine". I don't know near you, but that crap makes me experience worse! Especially when the so-chosen "cold relief medicine" likewise has DXM mixed into information technology as well. I'd rather just be sick, than sick and robo-tripping with a head that feels similar a foam balloon!

  9. I can't say I've ever asked myself the OP's question... usually it'southward "How soon after drinking too much beer can I have some Advil?" and the respond is always "Not soon enough!"
  10. Exactly. I know many who swear by ending a dark of drinking with 2 Advil and a couple pints of water.

    Tylenol/Acetaminophen is the i to worry nearly. Absolutely toxic to the liver when combined with booze.

  11. ... unless of course your LIVER FAILS :bassist:

    Just that's why y'all take 2 :hyper:

    Oops... that's kidneys and testicles :eek:

    Better take proficient care of your liver since you lot only have ane :D



  12. There was the time I washed my valiums down with beer and drove my car into a lake so....... I vote no.
  13. I've been on Arthrotec (an NSAID similar to ibuprofen) daily for 10 years and am a moderate, merely regular, drinker. I've been advised that the take chances of ulcers associated with NSAIDs in general - the one that's potentially made worse past drinking - is something that certain people are particularly sensitive to. Obviously, many of the people who feel major problems with NSAIDs and ulcers accept bug IMMEDIATELY, and most others will have no problems ever.

    All that is to say that near people don't experience whatsoever significant GI side effects from NSAIDs on their own or combined with booze unless they are predisposed to issues OR they are abusing either or both of their 'medications'.

    Continue with caution. If you lot have no issues, continue with slightly less caution. You'll almost certainly be fine.

  14. +1 to the Tylenol annotate. NEVER drink later on taking Tylenol. Unless you would similar your liver to attempt and flee your torso like George Jones.

    The problem with Advil has to practice with your stomach lining. It is harsh. Booze increases that effect. So swallow some food.

    From Healthy Living:

  15. I was thinking this very affair. :eek:
  16. I used to believe whatever medication I took was vitally important that I took the right amount.

    Then I realized the reality. I'm over 200 pounds, I'yard half dozen'one, and nearly directions for medication are geared towards little people.

    It takes two beers to put you lot inside the legal limit for driving.

    A friend of mine who is on antidepressants has told me her meds basically magnify the effect of a drinkable by 2x. Considering they're probably powerful, I incertitude advil has much on that.

    Or, you know, y'all could similar have a drink, chill out for an hour or two if you're really bothered by it, and then go on your merry way.

  17. um, why don't you lot call a pharmacist? You'd accept the reply in ten seconds, from someone who is slightly more qualified than probably anyone in TBOT.
  18. I am going onto the WebMD forums to find out which are the best bass strings for metal......

    Be right back

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Source: https://www.talkbass.com/threads/how-long-after-advil-should-i-have-beer.897379/

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